Terms & Conditions

Last updated: 02 May 2024

Fixable Ltd General Terms and Conditions - Handyman and Light Works

1. Interpretation

  1. The Company or We: Fixable Ltd, company registered in Scotland with company number SC522615. We operate the website www.FixableEdinburgh.co.uk. The Client/customer or You: The person/company to whom the Company supplied Labour and/or associated services. Operative/Specialist/Tradesman: the representative appointed by the Company to undertake the work. Site: Any land or premises occupied by the Client and any other place provided by the Client on, over or through which the Labour is to operate. The Company reserve the right to refuse or decline work at our discretion. Where we agree to undertake works for a Customer those works shall be performed by the designated Operative of the Company at its absolute discretion.

2. Estimates and Quotations

  1. Our quotations or estimates are valid for thirty days and are subject to availability of resources. All quotations are provided as fixed price jobs. All estimates are an estimate of the likely cost of the works, based on the information made available. The final price will be calculated on the basis specified in the estimate if any, or if none, in accordance with the company’s rates and fees applicable at the time the works are carried out and may be increased above or reduced below the specified price.
  2. When working with estimates, we will endeavor to complete the work in the estimated time, but any additional chargeable hours will be included in the final price.
  3. We shall not be under any obligation to provide an estimate. We shall not be bound by any estimates given in which manifest errors occur.

3. Booking Terms

  1. Any date(s) mentioned in estimates or quotes either in writing or over the phone are estimated dates only and we shall not be in breach of this agreement for failing to start or finish work by any date given in estimates or quotes.
  2. Site visits and quotations are provided free of charge.

4. Materials

  1. At the time Fixable Ltd performs the services, it may not have all the materials it needs. In this case, the company may need to purchase materials. Where possible Fixable Ltd will pick up materials locally. If the materials are not available from a local supplier, Fixable Ltd normally orders them and returns on another occasion to continue to perform the services.
  2. If parts or materials are supplied by the customer and Fixable Ltd deems those parts are not suitable, the company reserves the right not to install or use the incorrect materials or parts.

5. Your Obligations

  1. If any information provided to Fixable Ltd is incomplete or incorrect, Fixable Ltd may make an additional charge to cover any extra work that is required. Any additional charges will be agreed with you in advance.
  2. You will be responsible (at your own cost) for preparing the property for the supply of the services, where necessary, making safe any appliances or equipment, removing (if you are able to) any items from the areas in the property where Fixable Ltd will be performing the services, covering any items, furniture or fittings which you will not be moving, to protect them from dust or dirt, as well as for securing or removing any valuables, breakables or sentimental items by the date and time when Fixable Ltd is due to commence the works.
  3. You shall provide at your expense, clear access to the work area, all necessary electricity/water supplies that might be required to enable the operative to carry out the work. Additional charges might apply otherwise.

6. Work Guarantee

  1. All work carried out by Fixable Ltd is guaranteed against faulty workmanship under normal usage for a period of 12 months from the date on the invoice. If a fault has occurred due to misuse, then a fee may be chargeable to remedy the work. Notice will be given to the customer before any remedial work is carried out if an additional cost is to be incurred.
  2. Any guarantees offered refer to labour, in respect of faulty workmanship, and materials provided by Fixable Ltd. The guarantee becomes null and void if the work completed is subject to misuse or negligence, repaired, modified or tampered with by any other person other than an official Fixable Ltd operative. The consumers statutory rights are not reduced by these terms.

7. If there is a problem with the services

  1. Please contact Fixable Ltd either by phone or email and explain the issue as soon as possible. Give as many details as possible regarding the issue, including pictures, where necessary.
  2. Please allow Fixable Ltd a reasonable opportunity to investigate the problem and, if Fixable Ltd was at fault, arrange to correct the problem.

8. General

  1. Where the provision of the services cannot be completed within a day, you will allow Fixable Ltd to leave any tools or materials at your property overnight or at any other times when it is not performing any services, if necessary.
  2. Fixable Ltd cannot accept liability for its failure to complete all or part of the services where such failure is caused by your failure to book for the recommended number of hours or where you require Fixable Ltd to carry out additional tasks over and above what was originally booked.
  3. Fixable Ltd shall not be held liable for unavoidable damage caused, or any unforeseeable loss the customer or any other party may suffer as a result of the work carried out, nor shall we be liable for any loss of any nature which is not caused by our negligence or our breach of the terms and agreement between us.
  4. For the avoidance of doubt, Fixable Ltd shall have no responsibility or liability in relation to the following:
    1. Pre-existing wear and tear, damage, defects or faults in your property, its contents or belongings.
    2. Disruption to the services or damage to the property or belongings caused by third parties who are present on site during the performance of the services.
    3. Damage to the property, its contents or your belongings caused by faulty products, materials or equipment provided by you and used by Fixable Ltd in the performance of the services.

9. Payment Terms

  1. Data Protection
    1. The data that you provide during this transaction will only be used for the purpose of recording your payment. We shall abide by the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 and ensure that the data is used for no other purposes and is disclosed to no third party.
    2. Any personal data supplied by you will be held, stored, used and/or processed (as and when necessary) by us for the purpose or purposes for which it is provided and in accordance with the Data Protection principles and any other requirements of the Act. Disclosure of this information will not take place and will not be given to any third parties unless they show reasonable cause for us to make such a disclosure and then only to the extent that the law allows, e.g. prevention and detection of crime.
  2. Payment can be made by bank transfer or cheque.
  3. If the total due is not paid within 30 days without the company's authorisation, we reserve the right to levy additional charges in line with losses due to late payment.
  4. Snagging: Where the works have been priced by way of a fixed price quotation and have been completed subject to snagging, 90% of all amounts outstanding must be paid on such completion and the Customer must provide access to Fixable Ltd without delay to enable the snagging to be finalised. The balance of 10% will become payable upon the finalisation of the snagging.
  5. The Company shall not be required to issue or deliver any certificates, guarantees or other similar documents regarding the works until payment has been made in full.
  6. Where the Client is represented by a third party (such as a managing agent, contractor or other representative), in the event of non-payment by the Client, the third party will be responsible for payment unless Fixable Ltd has agreed otherwise in writing.
  7. Limits on liability: We do not accept responsibility for any loss you or anybody else might suffer because: 1. Any instruction or information you send us is sent in error, has failed to reach us, is distorted or incorrect 2. Payment is refused or declined by the bank for whatever reason.